Advanced Presentation Skills

Course Overview:

When making both internal and external presentations it is essential that you do so with authority and conviction, this will ensure that you and your organisation emerge as credible.

Course Objectives:

•    Established the need for planning and preparation for all types of presentations
•    Discovered the benefits of relaxation techniques to ensure an effective performance
•    Understood the importance of non-verbal communication
•    Developed their personal style of delivery in different situations
•    Demonstrated their ability to manage difficult situations
•    Discussed the use of presentation aids
•    Practiced giving a professional presentation

Course Content:

•    Practical exercise of prepared presentation
•    Your material and its structure
      -   Accuracy and jargon
      -   Credibility
      -   Building blocks
      -   The flow
•    Knowing your audience
     -    Psychological analysis
     -    Behaviour types
     -    Dealing with a difficult audience
•    Essential skills of an effective presentation
     -    Review your skills and practise, practise, practise
     -    Develop your style
•    Team presentations
•    Specific presentations e.g. sales, boardroom etc.
•    Second presentation prepared during the course
•    Personal action plan for return to business

Duration: Two Days

WS Training is affiliated and associated with the following organisations: