NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety

Course Overview:

The qualification looks at fire safety and can be applied in many sectors. On completion of the qualification, your learners will be able to:

• Justify fire safety improvements using moral and financial arguments; • Advise how fires and explosions can occur and the appropriate controls to minimise fire and explosion risks; • Advise their employer on the requirements for the fire protection of premises and workers including the appropriate training obligations; • Carry a fire risk assessment in their own workplace – prioritising risks, inspecting the workplace, recognising a range of common fire hazards, evaluating risks (taking account of current controls), recommending further control measures, and planning actions.

The Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) replaces the National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management (NFC) that was launched in 2006. The NFC is recognised around the world:

Course Content:

The syllabus is divided into 2 units FSC1 & FSC2 and include the following;

• Managing fire safety • Principles of fire and explosion • Fuel, oxygen and ignition sources and control measures • Fire protection of buildings • Safety of people in the event of fire • Fire safety risk assessment

Notional Learning Hours:

Taught hours: 28 (5 days training inclusive of an optional revision day) Private Study: It is expected that learners spend around 20 hours on self-study


FSC1 – Open book examination which will be held remotely in which learners have 24 hours to complete from the start of the exam FSC2 – Practical application which must be completed and submitted as per instructions from WS Training Ltd

WS Training is affiliated and associated with the following organisations: