Managing Environmental Responsibilities

Please note: this is an awareness course only and not accredited by an awarding body.

Course Overview: This course is intended for those who manage environmental issues in the workplace, in line with their organisation’s policy, legislation and best practice.

Aim: To provide an understanding of the environmental issues relating to their working processes and develop an understanding of how to manage them.

Course Learning outcomes: The learner will be able to:

  • define what is meant by the terms environment, air, land, water, pollution and waste
  • explain how organisations can prevent pollution to land, air and water by improving their systems and processes
  • identify the responsibilities of organisations regarding compliance with environmental legislation
  • define the need for environmental permitting and the type of permits required
  • explain and apply the principles of the waste hierarchy, managing waste and the use of recycled materials
  • explain why adequate and appropriate information, training and supervision relating to environmental issues is required for all employees
  • describe the roles of the enforcement agencies
  • summarise the individual’s and organisation’s responsibilities regarding the environment, and the consequences if they fail to comply
  • identify environmental aspects and impacts and relate these both generally and from an organisational perspective
  • explain and apply management principles and good management practice relating to environmental issues, including pollution prevention

Course Content:

Module 1 - Introduction

  • Definition of the environment and the impact of the organisation in terms of both overall scope and environmental impact

Module 2 - Moral: Legal: Financial

  • Other significant environmental issues, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, population growth and increasing consumption, and use of non-renewable resources
  • How integrating environmental issues into business processes can be beneficial to organisations
  • The financial, legal and ethical case for incorporating environmental considerations into overall management plans
  • An overview of European directives and how they influence UK regulations
  • Legislation relating to the environment
  • The requirement for environmental permits, what activities require permits and their charging schemes
  • Categories of water (controlled and uncontrolled)
  • The penalties that may be incurred for contravention of the regulations
  • The legislation associated with air pollution – including its development
  • The ‘polluter pays’ principle
  • Review and apply aspects of waste management, including relevant legislation and statutory definitions
  • Definition of waste production and classification (controlled and hazardous waste)
  • Definition of WEEE and producer packaging regulations
  • Definition of waste disposal and licensing
  • Discuss the legal requirements to train, inform and supervise employees

Module 3 - People: Responsibilities: Regulators

  • The regulatory bodies responsible for the environment and the enforcement actions they can take
  • What happens when organisations don’t comply: how it affects them, the community and individuals

Module 4 - Hazard spotting: Incidents

  • Identify environmental aspects, significant environmental aspects and environmental impacts associated with workplace activities
  • Categories of water pollution and prohibited substances
  • Describe how transport management can impact on the environment
  • Discuss the hazards of Legionella and Asbestos and their control measures
  • Discuss what constitutes contaminated land

Module 5 - Controls: Management systems

  • The sources of information relating to changes in legislation
  • How to develop an Aspects and Impacts Register
  • How to implement appropriate control measures
  • Apply the principles of integrated pollution prevention and control (control of emissions including air and noise, from premises under LA control)
  • How to identify whether an environmental permit is required for the organisational activities
  • The principles of pollution prevention, and explanation of the terms source, pathway and receptor
  • Planning for and responding to environmental emergencies
  • The use of renewable energy sources and an overview of the types available
  • Controlling and monitoring working practices relating to energy efficiency
  • Apply the principles of waste management, including the waste hierarchy
  • Detail the basic elements of environmental management systems such as ISO14001, both internally developed and externally accredited, and those currently available

Module 6 - Monitoring: Review: Auditing

  • Review working practices relating to energy efficiency
  • The benefits to organisations of introducing environmental management systems, reviews and audits
  • The integration of environmental management schemes with other schemes, including health, safety and quality

Method of Assessment

Written assessment and a workplace risk assessment, to be completed within two weeks of the end of the course.

Duration 3 days

WS Training is affiliated and associated with the following organisations: