Attention Management

Course Overview:

A course that adopts a practical and methodical approach to maintaining attention at work for both self and team. Each delegate will be encouraged to use varying techniques when they return to the workplace benefiting both themselves and the team.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduce you to methods that help maintain momentum within your teams.
  • Identify areas of work that are performing inefficiently.
  • Understand how emotions play a key part in management performance.
  • Be able to put into practice new more efficient working practices.

Course Content:

Introduction to attention management:

  • What is the difference between time management and attention management?

  • Practical exercise – urgent and important

Setting goals and objectives:

  • Practical application of SMART.

  • Exercise showing how to minimise misunderstanding

Attention management principals:

  • Participating in effective meetings.

  • Delegation

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Resting your brain

  • Practising the art of saying no

Prioritising techniques:

  • 5 ways of helping to prioritise workload

  • The 80/20 analysis.

Influencing attention management:

  • Effective Communication

  • Motivating through attention management

Action session:

  • A review of the course content and a commitment from delegates to put actions in place on return to work


Two Days

WS Training is affiliated and associated with the following organisations: